

Module Contents#



Define an isochrones object.

class asteca.isochrones.isochrones#

Define an isochrones object.

This object contains the loaded theoretical isochrones used by the asteca.synthetic class to generate synthetic clusters. See Loading the isochrones for more details.

  • model (str, {"PARSEC", "MIST", "BASTI"}) – The model must be one of the supported isochrone services: PARSEC, MIST, or BASTI.

  • isochs_path (str) – Path to the folder that contains the files for the theoretical isochrones.

  • magnitude (str) – Magnitude’s filter name as defined in the theoretical isochrones. Example for Gaia’s G magnitude: "Gmag".

  • color (tuple) – Tuple containing the filter names that generate the first color defined. The correct format is: ("filter1", "filter2"), where filter1 and filter2 are the names of the filters that are combined to generate the color. The order is important because the color will be generated as: filter1-filter2. Example for Gaia’s ‘BP-RP’ color: ("G_BPmag", "G_RPmag").

  • color2 (tuple, optional, default=None) – Optional second color to use in the analysis. Same format as that used by the color parameter.

  • magnitude_effl (float, optional, default=None) – Effective lambda (in Angstrom) for the magnitude filter.

  • color_effl (tuple, optional, default=None) – Effective lambdas for the filters that make up the color defined in the asteca.isochrones object. E.g.: (1111.11, 2222.22) where 1111.11 and 2222.22 are the effective lambdas (in Angstrom) for each filter, in the same order as color.

  • color2_effl (tuple, optional, default=None) – Same as color_effl but for a second (optional) color defined.

  • z_to_FeH (float, optional, default=None) – If None, the default z values in the isochrones will be used to generate the synthetic clusters. If float, it must represent the solar metallicity for these isochrones. The metallicity values will then be converted to [FeH] values, to be used by the synthetic.generate() method.

  • N_interp (int, default=2500) – Number of interpolation points used to ensure that all isochrones are the same shape.

  • column_names (dict, optional, default=None) – Column names for the initial mass, metallicity, and age for the photometric system’s isochrones files. Example: {"mass_col": "Mini", "met_col": "Zini", "age_col": "logAge"}. This dictionary is defined internally in ASteCA and should only be given by the user if the isochrone service changes its format and the isochrones class fails to load the files.

  • parsec_rm_stage_9 (boll, optional, default=True) – If the isochrones are PARSEC, this argument set to True will remove the post_AGB stage (label=9) which are still “in preparation”.